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2021-06-21 00:00:00 +0000

Yoga classes - Interesting facts 2

How Covid-19 meausures affect yoga studios again


I decided to retrieve Yoga class data again from the same center again from 29 March - 15 May 2021. The idea is to compare with the previous set of data that I got from 1 Dec 2020–15 Jan 2021. Why do I have to do that? I don’t know. For fun.

Let’s dive in

Yoga classes

During Phase 3 (29 March - 7 May)

  • The number of classes increase by 5% as there is a new studio that could accommodate more classes = mats.
  • An interesting fact to note is the additional 20 class types. Most of them are funky classes that incorporate a theme (usually music or a specific pose) - which takes up only 1.4% of all classes. From the data I got, these classes are all studio classes and have high mats filled rate (>80%).
  • Mats filled rate drops to 71% average among the top 5 class types. There are lesser students in these 5 class types with Power class has the least mat filled rate. I would be curious to understand why. Other variables include: new location, change in teachers, change in pricing etc.

During Phase 3 (Heightened Alert)

  • The number of classes per day drops dramatically by 47% to 36 classes. The reasons could be that (1) there are 3 days with only 100% online classes (we just need to organise 1 class for 30 people instead of 3 studio classes with 11 mats each, hence reducing the absolute number of classes) and (2) masks are required during practice so the yoga centre might cut down some hot classes during these time.
  • By providing more online classes and make it as the top 5 classes, the mats filled rate unsurprising drops to 41%. Note that mats filled rate for online class is somewhat fake number as an online class can offer “unlimited” mats.

Comparing 2 sets of data

  • For studio classes, we can see that teacher with highest % mats filled rate in the first period enjoys 98% rate while the best one in latter period can achieve 77%. This is probably due to masks on rule
  • For online classes, the drop is also similar with 86% mats filled in the first period and 63% in the second period. This is probably due to the increase in number of online classes. I would be interested to know from the students perspective through data like: Does a frequent student still book the same number of classes before and after?